Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 7

Dear Family and Friends,

It sounds like conference was great, everyone's email is talking about it.  I am excited to watch it this week.  The branch president isn't sure if we will be able to watch it in our little meetinghouse or not.  Hopefully we will be able to, if not we will go to the Sorsogon District Center and watch it. So I am looking forward to that later this week.

So we had a great week.  On Tuesday was MLC so Sister Natividad the other STL in Sorsogon went to Legazbi.  It was a great meeting.  I just love learning from President Guanzon.  It is always so inspiring.  President and the Assistants did a workshop about finding and particularly the faith to find.  It was really great.  They talked about acting in faith to find-staying out until the very last minute of the day finding.  It was really inspiring.

The rest of the week went great.  We were able to find a lot of investigators.  On Wednesday we were walking to an appointment and we stopped to talk to this lady outside her house.  We got to talking and she said how she was the cousin of President Roman.  (Remember president roman was the district President in Bulan that died and we went to his funeral).  She said that she had been taught by the missionaries before, but she would lose contact because sometimes she would go to manila to work.  We came back on Saturday and were able to teach her whole family and give them a baptismal date.

Well more great weeks to come.

-Sister Richins

March 31

Dear family and Friends,

Well it is the last day of March, Where has the time gone? April
starts tomorrow! It is the summer season here, we are feeling the heat
and everyone is out of school! We are working to contact more people,
now that everyone is less busy.  Last week all the schools had
graduation so we had a lot of dinner appointments which was a change
because we never have dinner appointments.  Whenever there is an
occasion here, they always have a big dinner and invite all their
friends and family.  It is actually a good finding activity, so that
was fun, and lots of yummy philippino food.

We had one investigator an women named Chona that we met tracting on
my first day in this area finally come to church! It was so great.
She said that she had somewhere to go after sacrament meeting, but she
just didn't want to leave, so she stayed for the whole three hours.
 Hopefully now she will really start to progress.  And her husband
will come next week. Of course we continue to teach the Corrido
family, and they are excited for their baptism next month.

We also have some other investigators that we are working with.  We
have had to contact all the investigators that we found last week and
teach them again. We also have a lot of less actives that we teach in
this area.  Less actives are a huge challenge.  I have heard so many
stories of why they can't come to church.  It's too hot, It was
raining, but there is always a deeper reason.  It is different to
teach less actives, but it is all the same purpose we are inviting
them to come back unto Christ.  They know these things they just need
to increase their faith and testimony.

You have to take a look at this (the article I attached here from the
May 2012 issue of the Liahona entitled Funds help members to the
temple), I have told you that Sister Iqbal is from Pakistan right? She
showed me this article from the liahona earlier to day.  It is her
cousin that introduced her family to the church.  It is about his
experience of going to the temple.  The closest temple for them is the
Manilia temple, which is really far away.  I just can't even imagine
that.  It makes me think a lot of how blessed we are that we have
temples so close.  We have 2 temples in our city.  That is so crazy.
There are some members that wait a lifetime to enter the temple.

Also this week we went to Legazbi to the Patriarch's house so that
Sister Iqbal could receive her Patriachtical blessing.  It was a
really special experience for her.  She is actually really cool.  She
has been through so much.  She has only been a member for 2 years. It
is really interesting to learn about what life is like there in the

Well this week should be exciting we are working to keep the energy
and enthusiasm high and find, find, find, teach, teach, teach.

Have a great week!

-Sister Richins

March 24

Dear Family and Friends,

Well it is another great week in Bacon. Transfer announcements came and Sister Iqbal and I will stay together for another transfer.  I know that we were going stay together last week because President told me that he had never seen Sister Iqbal progress as much as she did this transfer.

Well weather here is starting to get really hot.  In fact the this is last week of school for everyone.  All the kids are getting ready for summer break.  The school year is different here.  Summer Break is from now until June.  So all the kids are getting excited and all the college students have finals with week.  I am excited because then it means that next week everyone will be home during the day.  Also everyone is getting ready for holy week, apparently that is a really big deal here.

We had a really great week.  We were super busy, but it was great.  The best thing was that Brother Corrido finally came to church-with his whole family.  He had been promising and promising, but finally he came to church! He said it was great.  We taught the Corrido family on Wednesday night and it was a really great lesson it was really interesting.  In Preach my gospel it says that no one can not the true gospel or truth without prayer.  It was funny because I was studying that earlier that day and then we went to teach them that night.  We were going to teach him the Word of Wisdom, but the first question he had was "If I am going to change religions, I want to make sure that I have no doubts in my heart."  We testified about the power of prayer-that is how you know about the truth and there is no other way to know the truth of the gospel.  I think that sometimes we just take prayer for granted, but it is really the only way to know.  It was a really powerful lesson, with the Branch President there.  We went back on Saturday night and he said he is still waiting for an answer, but says he felt that he needed to come to church too in order to know.  So that is great! I love that family so much.

On Wednesday we had exchanges with the other sisters in Bacon Branch.  I was with Sister Roroa from Kirabati.  It brought make a lot of memories of training when Sister Oberia was my companion.  It was great and I learned lots.  It was a really great experience, because we had finished in our far area that we were at by 6:15 pm and we had a appointment with the Corrido family at 7:00.  We had to quickly run to our apartment to pick up something and I was kind of tired and hungry and thought to myself lets just take a little snack break before our appointment.  But I said no, we will go tracting.  So we did and the second house we went to let us right in and we were able to teach a husband and wife and we have a return appointment with this week. The times when I don't feel like tracting is always the best time.

It is so great to see the miracles that the Lord puts in our path. So I am exciting to see how everything plays out this week. I can see our area book filling up with names and it is just wonderful to see all these little miracles everyday.

-Sister Richins