Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 10

Dear Family and Friends,

Well this week on Thursday marks the my one year mark on the mission.  It is crazy to think that a year ago I entered the MTC, I didn't know any Tagalog, and I didn't know what to expect.  Now a year later I can't believe how much I have grown.  I have learned so much, I have been changed by some amazing people.  My testimony has been strengthened so much, and I love every second here.  I am going to work hard up until the last day I leave here.  I am so thankful for the choice I made to serve a mission.

This week has been good.  Slowly slowly my companion's language is improving.  She knows how to make basic sentences so we are making progress.  We are working the the doctrines of the lessons so that she can teach more and more.

We had a good week. We were able to find quite a few new investigators which was really great.  I can see so many miracles in this area!

Last week I told you about the Corrido Family. The mom, Alma, and her 2 boys have come to church twice now, and her husband was almost so certain he was going to come to church and then he cancelled right at the last minute.  He still has a concern that we just haven't solved yet.  Brother Remy though is my absolute favorite to teach.  He just absorbs everything.  We know we can only focus on one principle at the time, because he wants to understand it perfectly.  The taught about the plan of Salvation and he was just so amazed.  He was so happy to understand the purpose of life.  Then he was concerned about repentance and baptism. It is just so rewarding when you see the light of understanding when he understands these principles that he has been searching for so long.

We had exchanges this week with the Gubat sisters.  It was really exciting.  Sister Alabanza came to here to Bacon and worked with me.  It was really great.  I learned a lot. She is a great missionary.

So last week in our coordination meeting with the Branch Presidency, was so funny.  One of the members of the Branch President started talking about how the missionaries ought to use public sermons as a way to attract more people to the church.  He went on and on about how we wanted to have a big public event and the missionaries could preach.  It was so funny.  The Branch president tried to explain that maybe that wouldn't be the best idea, because that is not how the Lord has revealed now, but he just wouldn't stop.  He said that all the other churches do it here so it is really effective. on and on finally the branch president was able to reign back in the meeting.  So who knows we might start a whole public sermon thing.

Well I love this area.  It is really great. Defiantly the prettiest area- right next to the beach, we get a nice sea breeze in the morning, which is definitely a plus.

Have a great week,

-Sister Richins

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