Thursday, May 8, 2014

April 28

Dear Family and Friends,

Well we had a great District activity at this beautiful beach.  I will try to send you pictures next week.  But things are going great.  I am loving it here in Bacon.  The branch is really starting to support the missionary work here.  

This week was we had exchanges with the Gubat Sisters on Wednesday.  I went to Gubat with Sister Atienza.  She was so sweet to me.  It was a lot of fun.  We had a great day.  We did a lot of tracting and tracting, but still managed to teach 7 lessons.  So there your a lot of miracles. We taught one of their great Recent Converts.  He was so cute.  He is 61 years old.  The sisters were talking to his wife one day while she was walking.  When she came home.  Brother Carilito asked who she had talked to that day.  And she said she had talked to the Mormon sister Missionaries.   He said that he knew that she had talked to someone special that day because he had a dream about it.  He was so excited and is a golden recent convert.  He wants to go to the temple and be sealed to his wife and family. He has such a strong testimony of the gospel.  It is so much fun to go on exchanges and meet all these great people and work with all these great sisters. 

We continue to teach the Carrido family and brother is trying so hard to give up word of wisdom problems.  It was a really powerful lesson this week.  He said it had been years since the bible was shut in their house, but they are so grateful that it has been opened again in such a glorious way. 

I realized though on exchanges how much I love my Bacon, as much as you can love another's area for one day, I really love me beloved Bacon and the people here and my wonderful, sweet, companion.

Well we are finishing up the transfer this week, we will see what happens here.   

-Sister Richins

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