Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 22

Dear Family and Friends,

Well transfers were this last week.  My new companion is Sister Paraje she is Philippino. She has only been out in the field for three months, just like me.  It is good because we are able to really learn from each other.  What we liked that our trainers did and what wasn't effective.  It is good because we are really able to become Preach my Gospel missionaries.  It is also really nice to have someone not going home and is eager and excited about missionary work. My new companion doesn't know English very well so it has been good for me to have to always use Tagalog.  If I ask her something in English she won't respond until I ask in Tagalog.  Sometimes it is a little frustrating, but it is good for me. 

Also the weather has started to cool down a little bit which is really nice and by cool down I mean it is now 85 degrees instead of 92. 

We have been teaching one investigator named Mary Joy.  She is so sweet.  Her husband is a less active in the ward and we went to find him and ended up teaching her instead.  She has a lot of trials in her life and was really discouraged and she met us.  It is so cool to see her faith grow. She has so much faith and she knows that our message is true and the Book of Mormon too.  She says it touches her heart when she reads.  Sadly she gets a lot of persecution from her neighbors and friends because she is listening to the Mormon missionaries when she was born catholic.  Hopefully her faith will carry her.  Ah she is just so sweet and I hope that her faith in Jesus Christ will carry her. 

We also taught a less active/part member family.  We were teaching about the plan of salvation and we taught them about the plan of salvation and one little boy who is 10 years old joined our lesson.  He was so cute and as we were teaching them from the Book of Mormon he was looking at it and started reading while we were teaching.  At the end of the lesson I asked him if he wanted his own copy of the Book of Mormon and he got so excited.  These are the moments that make all the hardships and hard days worth it. 

Ingat! Mahal Kita!
-Sister Richins

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