Monday, August 5, 2013

July 29

Dear Family and Friends,

I can't believe how fast the time is going.  It is already the last week in July! This week has been really good.  In district we had a workshop about teaching lesson 1 and how the brethren made preach my gospel so you would teach it in one lesson.  Both my companion and I had trainers that taught us to split it up into 2 or 3 lessons.  So we tried it, teaching the entire lesson and we saw a lot of great results. It is so great for our investigators to see our unique message quickly.

We had a baptism on Saturday of a sweet little 8 year old girl, named Arlyn.  We have been working a lot over the past few months with her mom who is less active. Arlyn started to listen to our messages and we started to teach her with her mom. Thanks to their supportive neighbors she was been coming to church for 2 months now!  I am excited for her and this excited step in her life and it is my hope that they stay active in the church. 

Tomorrow we have splits with the Sister Training Leader, Sister Feinga.  Sister Feinga is really great.  Splits are good because we are able to do double the work in one day, but sometimes it is hard because then the next day schedule is empty. That's okay though, it just means that we have to have faith that the Lord will fill our schedule. 

Unfortunately Mary Joy was not able to come to church yesterday because she was sick, but she told us next week for sure.  Sometimes it can be really frustrating when investigators don't come to church, but its okay everyone has agency.  We just have to keep on extending commitments.

-Sister Richins

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