Sunday, June 2, 2013

May 27

Well another week! I can't believe how fast the weeks are going by now. We have had a challenging week.  A lot of cancelled appointments, but we had a great ward party on Saturday that members brought a lot of non member friends and a great ward coordination meeting on Sunday. 

So last week I told you about Patrick who was so excited for us to come back to teach him. Well when we came back he told us that we couldn't come back because his parents wouldn't allow it and gave us back our book of Mormon.  But I always remind myself that we are just planting seeds and hopefully someday. 

On Tuesday we went to Legazbi and had a trainer trainee meeting.  It was really helpful and it was nice to see everyone from my MTC district. We talked more about understanding and getting along with other cultures and how we should take the best from each culture.  It was really helpful. 

So on Saturday we had a missionary activity combined with ward one and ward two.  All the members were suppose to bring food and a non member or less active friend.  We had a great turn out and we got a lot of refferals.  But if anything we gained the trust from the members and they are starting to get really excited about missionary work.  Before now, we have not had much member support from the ward.  The had not really worked with the elders in the past, and didn't see why they should start working with us now. We have been working  hard all transfer to gain their trust and confidence.
One particular lady that was very forward about not liking the missionaries and was sure that the ward had no need of us. She came to the party on Saturday and had a complete change of heart. It is so excited to see her accept us.  In our missionary coordination meeting on Sunday I asked for suggestions of people we could visit and she gave us so many and then agreed to work with us to visit those people Wednesday afternoon.  I was so excited because she really disliked the missionaries before, and I have been praying so hard to let her soften her heart towards us.  Prayers are answered! I am so thankful! It should be a great week.

We are trying to make this a great week because it is Sister Maghanoy's last week before going home next Monday!  She said that she will work hard until the end and that is what we are going to do! I am a little nervous about getting a new companion next week, but also excited!

Hope everything continues to go well for everyone else back home!
I love you all!

Sister Heather Richins

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