Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New companion, trials and triumphs

Family and Friends,

Well as I mentioned last week my new companion is Sister Oberia from Kiribati.  It is next to Hawaii and is where Christmas Island is located.The church has a strong presence there and she went to a church high school.  She is so sweet and is really good to teach me Tagalog.  She is really nice, she kills the big spiders in our apartment, so I love her! Well transfer day was really busy, but we made it back and got to work.  It was kind of fun on transfer day to talk to all the American missionaries, they told me about all the food they liked here and advice on the language.  It was really nice. I also talked to the sweet senior couple that is here.

Not going to lie, it has been a really hard week. I didn't feel ready to lead this area and this week confirmed that.  I had a really hard time remembering where places were and how to get to places.  On top of that school started last week and so everyone that we had been teaching during the day were all gone.  Summer vacation is over so everyone goes back to work.  So here I am trying to figure out where to go, with no one home.  So that as been hard so we have done a lot of street contacting this week.

 This next week we have plans to contract as many members in our areas as possible and try to set goals with them to talk to their friends about the church.  We are trying to find all the inactive members. It's kind of funny finding the members because doesn't seem like to would take much time, but in the Philippines there are no addresses.  You just have the area that they live in and then you go door to door asking people if they know this family.  They will say "Oh doon" which means just over there.  So you go to the next house and ask the same question until you find the house.  This week though in our ward coordination meeting we talked to the ward missionaries about our concerns and they found people to work with us every day this week to help us find homes and investigators. 

That is definitely a struggle right now to find investigators which is why we need the members help.  A referral from a member is so much more valuable than any street contacting that we could do.

There is definitely a hastening of the work.  This week we have an assignment from the area presidency to meet with the bishop and ward missionaries and discuss our goals for the rest of the year.  We are suppose to make a goal with everyone as to how many baptisms the ward could have this year and then make a plan to involve all the auxiliaries on how to achieve that goal.  It is exciting I really hope that the ward members get excited.

It is good to know that even though it is hard to lead the area, it will make it that much easier next transfer after Sister Oberia goes home.  Even though missionary work is hard, it is also fun and I love doing it! I love the ward members and I love seeing the change that people can have. 

-Sister Richins

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