Sunday, October 20, 2013

October 14

Family and Friends,

As always this has been a busy week and we finished it up with conference.  It was really nice to watch conference-it was a little weird to see so many white faces.  Anyway being here for conference really made you realize just how world wide the church is.  You always hear them say that they welcome all those participating world wide in their own language.  It was a little different watching in Tagalog because you couldn't here the voice expressions.  Of course my area offered English too, so that was nice. It was really neat though because we had so many investigators come on Sunday Morning! It is neat because then they could listen to the words of the prophet.   It was really inspiring to listen to all their words. I really enjoyed all the talks about missionary work and also about women in the church.

Yesterday was really cool for me.  So we always have a lot of appointments on Sunday and we usually split with ward members on that day.  Yesterday it was really cool because I went with on the single adults in the ward to the Taboong family.  It had been a little bit since we were able to teach the whole family together.  We taught them about faith and baptism and then committed the whole family to baptism. Brother Taboong who for the most part in every teaching appointment had been really quite, starting to speak.  He said that they should have been baptized a while ago, but he knows that there is a difference in our church that he doesn't feel in the catholic church of his church.  He says he wants this so bad for his family to be able to go to church every week together.  It was such a spiritual lesson and you could tell that everyone could feel the love that God has for each one of us. I am so excited for them.

Brother Rodger is doing good too, he wasn't able to come to church this week, but his 21 year old son came to conference.  He was going to go home after the sunday morning session, but we told him there was more to come so he stayed.

Jenny also came to conference, I was really excited for her.  She doesn't say too much in the lessons, but enough to know that she gets really excited about reading the Book of Mormon.

 Michelle and her kids are continuing to do good, she is always so excited when we come and says there is always a special spirit in her home when we come and visit.  Her kids are excited to read the Book of Mormon! They will be baptized on October 26.

Wow, this gospel is amazing! I love it! I love being a missionary.  I get to be apart of this great work.

-Sister Richins

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