Saturday, October 26, 2013

October 21

Dear Family and Friends,

Another week has gone by in Bulan. I love it!  I know everyone heard about the big earthquake in the Philippines. We did not feel anything here though. We are fine here, so that is good.  The earthquake was in Cebu which is really far away from here.

Anyway thought, Michelle Benches and her kids are doing great.  They are really excited about their baptism on Saturday! I am so excited for them.  They are so ready for Saturday.  Michelle is really great and she invites all her neighbors to hear the gospel.  We are teaching some of her friends too.  It is so true the fruit of being converted to the gospel is sharing it with your family and friends!

The Taboong family is doing good too.  They all came to church except brother Taboong because he was sick. There baptismal date is November 2, so hopefully they will continue to progress and come to church next week.

Okay so the word in Tagalog for conversion is "Pagbabalik-loob" the root words "balik" means to return and the other root word "loob" means  inside.  So essentially Pagbabalik-loob means "bring back that which was inside." I just think that is so cool.  When we teach we are bring back something that was already inside a person.

This week we really need to work on finding new investigators and really focusing on reaching the standards that the mission president set for us. They one thing that our leaders are worried about is an elevators vs an escalator effect.  Too many times you work to bring one family to baptism only to find that after their baptism you don't have any progressing investigators.  We need to be constantly finding and helping investigators progress so that we can steadily bring people to Christ.

Anyway I love my companion, I love this branch, I love these people!

-Sister Richins

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