Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7

Dear Family and Friends,

Well the transfer announcement came and Sister Eracho and I are staying together for another transfer!!! We were both so excited because we didn't want to leave this area.  So we have another transfer to help this area! 

It makes me so excited to hear about conference.  We will get to watch it this weekend!

We had zone tranining on Friday and President gave us some really good instruction.  President Gaunzon is truely and inspired man.  He changed the standard of Excellence for the mission.  They standard of Excellence for total lessons taught is 30, received and contacted refferals is now 5, the biggest change though was the New Investigators is now 10! Truely things we need to reach for, but with faith we can achieve these new goals.  It made us really think about how we can find those new investigators and how we can help the members share the gospel with their friends.

President also gave us a great workshop about how to extend invitations to members to work with us.  By really sincerly praying about who should fellowship each investigator.  It was really exactly what we needed right now in the mission.  Truely inspired. We talked about how we need to make a spiritual missionary experience for the members that work with us.  He also told us that the words "Mahirap"- hard, Trunky, or punted are "bawal"-forbidden in this mission.

We once again were pretty busy this week.  We were able to split for a couple of days with ward members so that we could cover more teaching appointments in one day.

Michelle and her kids are doing good they always are so eager to come to church and really become involved in everything. They will be baptized of the 26 of this month!

The branch is really progressing, when we first got here there were hardley anyone, but slowly, but surely the seats are filling up.  Hopefully one day the branch will become a ward!

Well that is about all for right now!

-Sister Richins

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