Friday, November 29, 2013

November 25

Dear Family and Friends,

Well Transfer week.  It was an especially crazy week because I am training now.  We went up to Legazbi on Tuesday when we had our trainer's training.  Then all the trainers spent the night at a hotel (because the mission home still is not finished) then we all got up in the morning and waiting for the new missionaries to come from the airport. They all had a little overview and then they announced companion ships.  They started in the North of the mission and worked down.  Of course Bulan is in the very South of the mission so Sister Eracho and I were the last ones.  By the time it got to me and Sister Eracho, there were two Americans sisters sitting on the other side.  At that point I knew I would be training an American. My new companion is Sister Flake from Vernal, UT.

It defiantly has been a good experience training, it defiantly brought back a lot of memories from my first week.  I have been reading my journal a lot from those first weeks when I was trying to understand the culture and felt completely lost and really trying to help her understand that I know what is like and trying just to love her.  President Guanzon said our first job as trainer is to make them feel at home.  It is really a completely different world and culture and it takes a little time to adjust.  It defiantly brought back memories as my companion kept falling asleep in daily planning at night because she is still getting used to the time difference.  She kept on apologizing so I read her my journal entries from the first week and told her I did the same.  It takes a little time to adjust.  It has really been a very humbling experience, for once in the mission someone is looking to me on how to say things in Tagalog.  And I am thinking, I am not perfect at Tagalog, but okay.

It has been an interesting week too, because we split the area we really needed to find new investigators.  Literally we had nothing we could do, but go tracting for the past two days.  Of course not the ideal, but that we didn't have any referrals or appointments so we spent the whole day yesterday tracting.  We actually were able to have a lot of success.  We were able to teach 3 lessons and at least 2 of those seem interested, so that is good.  It has been weird because it is just me leading all the lessons. Yesterday though we had three branch missionaries come with us so that was good, they are great!  Hopefully I will be able to help her with her Tagalog and she will learn it faster than I did.  That is my goal that she will be a better missionary than me.  I am really trying to become the trainer that would have helped me the most.  It was a little overwhelmed in trainer's training and I was getting a little nervous, but one of the APs said something that I though was really good. He said that it takes time for new missionaries to adjust and it takes time for new trainers to adjust.  He said not to be too hard on ourselves.  We need patience with our companions and with ourselves.

Anyway though it has been a very humbling and rewarding week.  I am sure we will spend a lot more time tracting and finding this week, but that is okay I really enjoy it especially when you see miracles and people let you in their house and teach. We did have some other miracles this week.  We had so many referrals from members and they members starting inviting their friends.  You can see such a difference in this branch since when I first got here, even at sacrament meeting the benches are getting so full. The Lord is in this work.  The lord only asks about our availability and he will take care of our capability.

-Sister Richins

Nov 18

Dear Family and Friends,

First off I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I am so grateful for all of your love and prayers. I am so blessed.  Of course they don't celebrate thanksgiving here, but I will be thinking of you.  On the bright side at Jollibee they have a limited time special that includes Mashed potatoes so that is fun.

Wow from the sound of it, it sounds like we were truly lucky here not to be affected too much from the storm.  It is so crazy that it wiped out the whole tocobalon mission.  On Tuesday one of the zones from the Tacloban mission came by barge to Matnog, an area in our zone, and President Guanzon went and picked them up.  We will probably get some of those missionaries in our mission.  It will so so crazy to hear their stories.

Well the first news transfer announcements came and I will be training! Crazy! Actually Sister and Eracho and I will both be training.  We go to Legazbi tomorrow and then the new missionaries come on Wednesday.  So we will see who my new companion is then-philippino or American.  It is defiantly a little scary to train and humbling.  I know that the Lord trusts me and with his help I will be able to do it.

Of course that means we will be splitting our area.  It was a hard decision to decide what area each of us would get.  And we also realized that now that we have more time to dedicate to each area we can work on really finding less actives and finding new investigators.  Our current apartment only have one bedroom so the other there is a new apartment is next door. So we spent the morning moving all my things into the new apartment and getting ready for the new missionaries.

So in our district now there will be 8 sisters an 2 elders.  Isn't that crazy! We are a sister's district!

On Saturday we had a lovely Baptism for brother Tamboong.  He is so amazing and he is now inviting his friends to church. So awesome.  I am really sad that I won't get to continue to visit them because he is not in my part of the branch.  But at least I will get to see them every Sunday.  So a lot of change this week, but change is good.  President Guanzon always reminds us to always remember that your area is the best area and you have the best companion.

-Sister Richins

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 11

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you all for your concern after the big storm that came across here.  Luckily we were really lucky here and the storm didn't do much damage here.  The bulk of the storm missed us here so that is good.  Everyone was really worried about flooding, but it was mostly really strong winds, but not very much rain so that was good.  The wind knocked down a lot of trees, but I was amazing how well the little houses made of sticks held up.  There were a few houses that suffered minor damage, but nothing too bad unlike what happened in Tacloban.  That looks just devastating.  So the storm came here on Thursday night.  We were told to come home early and prepare food and stuff.  We got back and we were worried about flooding so we moved all our stuff onto the top shelves to save them in case of flooding.  Then we went to the other sister's apartment upstairs and all 6 of us sisters slept up there together for two nights.  We stayed in all day Friday as the storm passed. On Saturday every thing was back to normal in the town.  We helped a few people pick up there yards and sweep up leaves, but really not nearly as bad as what was on the news.

A lot of the members close to the beach went to the church house to spend the night.

So we had an interesting week.  One member said that there is a couple more storms to look out for in the coming weeks.  So hopefully we will be okay.  We were defiantly really lucky here.

So other than that big storm we had a good week we continue to look forward to the baptism of Brother Tambong this Saturday.  I really love the Tamboong family.  There are so great.  Yesterday we were teaching an investigator who was 13 and Rosylyn Tamboong was so excited to come with us and teach her.  They are so great! I am so excited for that family and for there goal next year to be sealed in the temple.  They always tell us that our goal is to have our investigators dressed in white twice.  Once for baptism and once to go through the temple to be sealed as a family.  So true.

I also love Sister Michelle Benches. The sister that was baptized with her two kids two weeks ago.  She is go great.  She shares the gospel with all of her friends and neighbors. We are now teaching all of her neighbors and they are coming to church.  It is so great.  So wonderful.

On Saturday I started teaching piano lessons to some of the youth.  They are so excited to learn to play the piano.  I am teaching them the basics first and hopefully I can get a simplified hymn book so they can start to play hymns.

We had a great day of church on Sunday is is so great to see the benches in the church house slowly fill up more and more every week.  I hope that we can continue to find more investigators and less actives to fill up the rest of the benches.

On Thursday we had zone training and we talked about loving our companions and being exactly obedient.  These things are defiantly so essential in missionary work.  So you can receive the blessings of the spirit in this work.

On Tuesday was MLC, and my companion and I were invited to attend to report of our work in Bulan because they assumed we had secrets or something because we had the highest number of investigators attend sacrament meeting last month.  Legazbi is really far and we didn't want to lose a day of work in our area so we asked if Sister Fonua and I could split so we could still work in our area.  Sister Fonua is a brand new missionary from California, and we worked together in her area for half of the day and ours the rest of the day.  It was a lot of fun, it was defiantly weird because I was acting as trainer for a day and it was weird to have someone look to me for Tagalog help, but I learned a lot and it was really helpful.

Well transfer announcements are this Saturday we will see what happens.  Actually we are pretty sure that Sister Eracho and I will split the area. I am so thankful for Sister Eracho she is so wonderful.  I have learned so much from her.  She is always so diligent and hardworking and has such a strong testimony.

Well have a great week everyone. Let us all pray for those people in Tacloban Philippines.

-Sister Richins

Sunday, November 10, 2013


We have gotten an e-mail from the Heather's mission saying that all the missionaries in her mission are in safe situations and we should be hearing from them soon.

November 4

Dear Family and Friends,

I really don't have much time today, but I wanted to tell you about my last week.  First off we had a great baptism on Saturday.  The Tamboong kids.  I love this family so much! They are great and they already have a great support system because their neighbor is a member and the two families are best friends.  So Jomar, Roselyn, Mary-Jane and Margert were baptized on Saturday.  They are all the kids in the family.  Brother and sister will follow on November 16.  Jimmy, the dad, is so great.  I remember when we first met him, he said he couldn't read because reading hurts his eyes, but we kept using the Book of Mormon and he decided that he really wanted to read it.  He bought some eyeglasses and started reading.  Now he always has questions for us and says that when he starts reading, he just wants to read the entire thing.  It is so great! Jomar is 15 and will be 16 next week.  He was so funny when he bore his testimony after the baptism.  He said that at first we would ask him how his reading was and he would say that he read, but he really hadn't.  Of course we knew this so we would read it with him, and eventually he understood and started reading on his own.  He has a strong testimony about the Book of Mormon and was so excited to receive the priesthood and he will be able to baptize his parents so that will be really special for him.  All the kids are really great and I am so excited for the day when they will be sealed as a family together forever.

So we were really busy today because Bulan Zone won the Zone Activity for the month.  We went to a lake and played games and ate with President and Sister Guanzon.  It was a lot of fun, I really do love President and Sister Guanzon I learn so much from them.

So on Thursday was President Roman's Funeral service.  I was kind of wishing that I still didn't understand what they were saying because, I was crying along with them.  Anyway though it was really touching.  The Mission President of the Philippines Cauyan Mission, President Bolcasco, got special permission to come to the funeral of his best friend.  Pres Bolcasco is from Bulan and the formerly the Distrct
 President before Pres. Roman.  And President Bolcasco was the one who introduced the church to Pres. Roman.  Pres. Bolcaco gave Pres. Roman a Book of Mormon and Pres. Roman read it and within 4 days knew it was true and wanted to be baptized.  He was the first in his family and eventually his entire family joined the church.  All of his kids have served missions and the youngest is currently serving in the Quezon City mission.  It is so crazy to think how one small act can make such a huge difference.  So the youngest son was able to leave his mission to come to the funeral.  It was really touching to hear his testimony about the plan of salvation and how much his dad meant to him.

So it is interesting here after the funeral service everyone that attended the funeral service walks behinds the funeral car until they get to the cemmentary.

They also celebrated All souls day on November 1.  It really is a lot like Memorial day, every goes to the cementary and clean and decorate the graves and eat food at the cementary.

So we are doing okay we still have our struggles, but hopefully we can continue to find people to teach.  We did have some new investigators this week we just have to work hard to help them progress and continue to find more.

Anyway I love this Branch and I love this work! I have learned so much from this people!

Anyway everyone I hope you all have great weeks.

-Sister Richins

Sunday, November 3, 2013

October 28

Dear Family and Friends,

Well another week it sounds like everyone is enjoying their Halloween Festivities over there. They do actually celebrate Halloween over here, but not in the same way- I mean their is no trick or treating.  I am not actually sure how, but I guess I will find out.  They do celebrate All souls day where they go to the cemetery.  All it means for us though is that we have an early curfew on Oct 31 and Nov 1.  We also have an early curfew tonight because it is the local election day.  It is really hard to give up those precious evenings because that is when we do most of our teaching.  But safety is important too.

We had a really interesting week.  Our dear beloved District President, President Edward Roman, passed away from a heart attack this week while jogging.  It is quite an emotional week for the branch, district, and family.  We were at his house on Tuesday because we are teaching his two nephews that live in his house, when sister Roman was talking on the phone with the hospital is Legazbi and found out the news.  President Roman was a engineer for the church and was always going back of forth between Bulan, Legazpi, and Naga for work.  I think the hardest thing was their youngest son is on a mission in Manilla, he was able to come home for the funeral this week.  I am sure that is just so hard for him. But it reminds you that there is a Plan of Salvation and it just makes so appreciate the knowledge of that plan.   So in the Philippines they do funerals a little different.  After the death they bring the body to the house in the casket for 9 days so that family and friends in far places have time to come for the funeral.  Then they have a funeral and everyone wears white.  So President Roman passed away on Tuesday so his funeral on 31 this week.

It really made me think because there were a couple less active members that were offended by Pres. and stopped coming to church because of it.  And it made me think how much we need to forgive people because how bad would you feel if you never got the chance to forgive those people in this life.  Life is so short, but the plan of salvation is real and so is the Jesus Christ's Atonement is so real.  It has the power to heal broken hearts give support to those that anguish.

Anyway on a brighter note, we had a wonderful baptism of Sister Michelle, Emil Bryan, and Jerome on Saturday.  She was so excited and her kids too, it was a really special experience. We taught her about the temple on Sunday and how it should be her goal after a year and she was really excited for that next step. We helped them all fill out their pedigree charts.  Now we just need to work on her spouse.  Her spouse is working in Manilla and only comes home one or two times a year, but Michelle always tells him everything that she learns.  Hopefully we can get some type of address so we can forward it to the missionaries in Manilla.

We also are looking forward to another baptism this Saturday of the Tamboong Family.  It is just be there 4 kids this week and the parents will follow on Nov 16.  Brother Tamboong was still struggling with a few things, but he didn't want to hold his kids back from baptism.  His kids are so ready they read the Book of Mormon and are so excited about learning more and more.

Our biggest challenge still though is finding new investigators.  They always say find them that will receive and sometimes that is hard to do.  (But we don't use the word hard in this mission.) So what I mean to say is we will just have to work harder to find those people that are prepared.  I know that there are people waiting and searching and we just need to find those people.

Well take care everyone have a wonderful week.  I love you all!

-Sister Richins