Sunday, November 3, 2013

October 28

Dear Family and Friends,

Well another week it sounds like everyone is enjoying their Halloween Festivities over there. They do actually celebrate Halloween over here, but not in the same way- I mean their is no trick or treating.  I am not actually sure how, but I guess I will find out.  They do celebrate All souls day where they go to the cemetery.  All it means for us though is that we have an early curfew on Oct 31 and Nov 1.  We also have an early curfew tonight because it is the local election day.  It is really hard to give up those precious evenings because that is when we do most of our teaching.  But safety is important too.

We had a really interesting week.  Our dear beloved District President, President Edward Roman, passed away from a heart attack this week while jogging.  It is quite an emotional week for the branch, district, and family.  We were at his house on Tuesday because we are teaching his two nephews that live in his house, when sister Roman was talking on the phone with the hospital is Legazbi and found out the news.  President Roman was a engineer for the church and was always going back of forth between Bulan, Legazpi, and Naga for work.  I think the hardest thing was their youngest son is on a mission in Manilla, he was able to come home for the funeral this week.  I am sure that is just so hard for him. But it reminds you that there is a Plan of Salvation and it just makes so appreciate the knowledge of that plan.   So in the Philippines they do funerals a little different.  After the death they bring the body to the house in the casket for 9 days so that family and friends in far places have time to come for the funeral.  Then they have a funeral and everyone wears white.  So President Roman passed away on Tuesday so his funeral on 31 this week.

It really made me think because there were a couple less active members that were offended by Pres. and stopped coming to church because of it.  And it made me think how much we need to forgive people because how bad would you feel if you never got the chance to forgive those people in this life.  Life is so short, but the plan of salvation is real and so is the Jesus Christ's Atonement is so real.  It has the power to heal broken hearts give support to those that anguish.

Anyway on a brighter note, we had a wonderful baptism of Sister Michelle, Emil Bryan, and Jerome on Saturday.  She was so excited and her kids too, it was a really special experience. We taught her about the temple on Sunday and how it should be her goal after a year and she was really excited for that next step. We helped them all fill out their pedigree charts.  Now we just need to work on her spouse.  Her spouse is working in Manilla and only comes home one or two times a year, but Michelle always tells him everything that she learns.  Hopefully we can get some type of address so we can forward it to the missionaries in Manilla.

We also are looking forward to another baptism this Saturday of the Tamboong Family.  It is just be there 4 kids this week and the parents will follow on Nov 16.  Brother Tamboong was still struggling with a few things, but he didn't want to hold his kids back from baptism.  His kids are so ready they read the Book of Mormon and are so excited about learning more and more.

Our biggest challenge still though is finding new investigators.  They always say find them that will receive and sometimes that is hard to do.  (But we don't use the word hard in this mission.) So what I mean to say is we will just have to work harder to find those people that are prepared.  I know that there are people waiting and searching and we just need to find those people.

Well take care everyone have a wonderful week.  I love you all!

-Sister Richins

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