Friday, November 15, 2013

November 11

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you all for your concern after the big storm that came across here.  Luckily we were really lucky here and the storm didn't do much damage here.  The bulk of the storm missed us here so that is good.  Everyone was really worried about flooding, but it was mostly really strong winds, but not very much rain so that was good.  The wind knocked down a lot of trees, but I was amazing how well the little houses made of sticks held up.  There were a few houses that suffered minor damage, but nothing too bad unlike what happened in Tacloban.  That looks just devastating.  So the storm came here on Thursday night.  We were told to come home early and prepare food and stuff.  We got back and we were worried about flooding so we moved all our stuff onto the top shelves to save them in case of flooding.  Then we went to the other sister's apartment upstairs and all 6 of us sisters slept up there together for two nights.  We stayed in all day Friday as the storm passed. On Saturday every thing was back to normal in the town.  We helped a few people pick up there yards and sweep up leaves, but really not nearly as bad as what was on the news.

A lot of the members close to the beach went to the church house to spend the night.

So we had an interesting week.  One member said that there is a couple more storms to look out for in the coming weeks.  So hopefully we will be okay.  We were defiantly really lucky here.

So other than that big storm we had a good week we continue to look forward to the baptism of Brother Tambong this Saturday.  I really love the Tamboong family.  There are so great.  Yesterday we were teaching an investigator who was 13 and Rosylyn Tamboong was so excited to come with us and teach her.  They are so great! I am so excited for that family and for there goal next year to be sealed in the temple.  They always tell us that our goal is to have our investigators dressed in white twice.  Once for baptism and once to go through the temple to be sealed as a family.  So true.

I also love Sister Michelle Benches. The sister that was baptized with her two kids two weeks ago.  She is go great.  She shares the gospel with all of her friends and neighbors. We are now teaching all of her neighbors and they are coming to church.  It is so great.  So wonderful.

On Saturday I started teaching piano lessons to some of the youth.  They are so excited to learn to play the piano.  I am teaching them the basics first and hopefully I can get a simplified hymn book so they can start to play hymns.

We had a great day of church on Sunday is is so great to see the benches in the church house slowly fill up more and more every week.  I hope that we can continue to find more investigators and less actives to fill up the rest of the benches.

On Thursday we had zone training and we talked about loving our companions and being exactly obedient.  These things are defiantly so essential in missionary work.  So you can receive the blessings of the spirit in this work.

On Tuesday was MLC, and my companion and I were invited to attend to report of our work in Bulan because they assumed we had secrets or something because we had the highest number of investigators attend sacrament meeting last month.  Legazbi is really far and we didn't want to lose a day of work in our area so we asked if Sister Fonua and I could split so we could still work in our area.  Sister Fonua is a brand new missionary from California, and we worked together in her area for half of the day and ours the rest of the day.  It was a lot of fun, it was defiantly weird because I was acting as trainer for a day and it was weird to have someone look to me for Tagalog help, but I learned a lot and it was really helpful.

Well transfer announcements are this Saturday we will see what happens.  Actually we are pretty sure that Sister Eracho and I will split the area. I am so thankful for Sister Eracho she is so wonderful.  I have learned so much from her.  She is always so diligent and hardworking and has such a strong testimony.

Well have a great week everyone. Let us all pray for those people in Tacloban Philippines.

-Sister Richins

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