Friday, November 29, 2013

November 25

Dear Family and Friends,

Well Transfer week.  It was an especially crazy week because I am training now.  We went up to Legazbi on Tuesday when we had our trainer's training.  Then all the trainers spent the night at a hotel (because the mission home still is not finished) then we all got up in the morning and waiting for the new missionaries to come from the airport. They all had a little overview and then they announced companion ships.  They started in the North of the mission and worked down.  Of course Bulan is in the very South of the mission so Sister Eracho and I were the last ones.  By the time it got to me and Sister Eracho, there were two Americans sisters sitting on the other side.  At that point I knew I would be training an American. My new companion is Sister Flake from Vernal, UT.

It defiantly has been a good experience training, it defiantly brought back a lot of memories from my first week.  I have been reading my journal a lot from those first weeks when I was trying to understand the culture and felt completely lost and really trying to help her understand that I know what is like and trying just to love her.  President Guanzon said our first job as trainer is to make them feel at home.  It is really a completely different world and culture and it takes a little time to adjust.  It defiantly brought back memories as my companion kept falling asleep in daily planning at night because she is still getting used to the time difference.  She kept on apologizing so I read her my journal entries from the first week and told her I did the same.  It takes a little time to adjust.  It has really been a very humbling experience, for once in the mission someone is looking to me on how to say things in Tagalog.  And I am thinking, I am not perfect at Tagalog, but okay.

It has been an interesting week too, because we split the area we really needed to find new investigators.  Literally we had nothing we could do, but go tracting for the past two days.  Of course not the ideal, but that we didn't have any referrals or appointments so we spent the whole day yesterday tracting.  We actually were able to have a lot of success.  We were able to teach 3 lessons and at least 2 of those seem interested, so that is good.  It has been weird because it is just me leading all the lessons. Yesterday though we had three branch missionaries come with us so that was good, they are great!  Hopefully I will be able to help her with her Tagalog and she will learn it faster than I did.  That is my goal that she will be a better missionary than me.  I am really trying to become the trainer that would have helped me the most.  It was a little overwhelmed in trainer's training and I was getting a little nervous, but one of the APs said something that I though was really good. He said that it takes time for new missionaries to adjust and it takes time for new trainers to adjust.  He said not to be too hard on ourselves.  We need patience with our companions and with ourselves.

Anyway though it has been a very humbling and rewarding week.  I am sure we will spend a lot more time tracting and finding this week, but that is okay I really enjoy it especially when you see miracles and people let you in their house and teach. We did have some other miracles this week.  We had so many referrals from members and they members starting inviting their friends.  You can see such a difference in this branch since when I first got here, even at sacrament meeting the benches are getting so full. The Lord is in this work.  The lord only asks about our availability and he will take care of our capability.

-Sister Richins

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