Sunday, July 13, 2014

June 16

Dear Family and Friends, 

Wow, how the time passes.  We just finished another transfer this past week.  And I am staying in Bacon for another transfer, which makes me wonder if this will be my last area of the mission!!!! Hopefully, I love this area so much and am so happy to stay here with my companion. 

So we had an good week.  Besides the fact that we almost got attacked in our apartment by this moth/locust things.  It was quite the experience.  On Friday night we noticed all this flying things swarming around the light post close to our apartment.  We went into our apartment and turned on the light and before you knew it they were all trying to get to the light inside our apartment.  They found any little hole they could find.  We were running to close all the windows, but they still found their way in.  It was quite an experience, you could here them hitting the windows just trying to get in. But don't worry we did survive and we all was fine.  

So this was the last week we had exchanges in Sorsogon.  I was with Sister Lesa from Orem, UT.  She is absolutely hillarious and we had so much fun together. It reminded me just how fun missionary work is.   I love going on exchanges because you learn so many things, so that you can really learn how to become a great missionary! I got to work with Sister Lesa in her area and we taught a lot of less actives. Trying to help them build their faith to come back into the fold.  

We also were able to work hard in our area this week. We were really able to see investigators start to progress. Which is so great.  We had a special district conference saturday and yesterday and brother Don came to the Saturday session.  Sister Gloria the one that I told you we met one day when she came home from work early without knowing why is really progressing.  She is so funny she has a hard time seeing the words in the book of mormon, but she still reads.  I am so happy to finally see some of all our finding efforts start to turn into progressing investigators.

We also had a lot of new investigators too! We did a lot of tracting and tracting.  We also say well President Guanzon says we need 200 street contracts to get one baptism so we just keep going and keep on finding.  That is our biggest chanllenge right now.  We have a lot of new investigators, but we are struggling to help them become progressing investigators.  

So for all you back home remember that missionaries live on refferals because that is the most successful way of missionary work.  Don't forget to pray for a missionary experience today so that you can share you testimony to someone today.  It may not be a non member at all, but maybe a less active that has strayed from the fold.  We need them all back to the fold.  

I mentioned eariler that we had a special district conference.  It was a little different we started with the district president speaking here locally and then they had a live broadcast from Salt Lake City.  Elder Cook spoke and Brother Davies of the presiding bishopbric as well as Sister McKonkie.  I guess it was a special Northern Philippines Conference for all those in the Northern Philippines.  They gave some really great talks about the family.  Sister McKonkie talked about the significance of marriage and families.  Which is actally really significant because here in the phlippines marriage is not a super important part of the culture.  It is acceptable just to live in without getting married.  She talked about incorrect tranditions and really strengthening families in the church in the philippines.

  Elder Cook talked about not living on borrowed light which was really interesting.  He talked about the celestial kingdom is compared to a sun because it produces its own light the terrestial kingdom is compared to a moon becuase it lives on borrowed light from the sun.  He was pretty bold that we can't live on borrowed light we need to constantly strengthen our testimonies of the gospel.

Well it has been a great week.  The time is going way to fast.... I was like this past transfer has been the fastest transfer ever. 

Well have a great day and week! 

-Sister Richins

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