Sunday, July 13, 2014

June 23

Dear Family and Friends, 

Well another week is over.  I still can't believe it.  We started off the new transfer. I love this area and I love my companion. 

It was the first week of the transfer so we didn't have any exchanges.  But it was just a week to work really hard in our area.  We could really feel the power of obedience this week.  How true that is.  All that really matters is obedience, that is all that God is worried about in the end.  We strive for exact obedience.  If we strive to be exactly obedient, we can really see the miracles in the work.  

This week was a great week.  We were in daily planning last night and we were like wow this was a great week, we have investigators that are starting to progress and new investigators and investigators attending sacrament meeting.  It is just an exciting time in the mission. 

Of course we do have our challenges too, we have to help all those new investigators progress and resolve their concerns.  We also are trying really hard to help the less actives here, but that is one of the things that make me the saddest to see the less active struggle, but they don't have the faith to make it through.  We continue to help them though we just teach by the spirit and hopefully one day they will understand.  

We were teaching Brother Don yesterday and it was really funny he was talking about his testimony of the church.  He was talking about one of the talks in sacrament meeting about staying strong and the speaker talked about less active members. And brother Don, if someone got baptized and then left the church, then they don't understand the doctrine, they don't understand the church.  We were like ya that is right.  That is something that is really unique about brother don because understands the doctrine so well and I honestly feel that we have hardly done anything, he searches to find, and we are just there to answer questions. 

I love being here.  I really don't want this to end.

Well we are off to the start of a busy week.  Exchanges start up again and it is just a long sprint to the finish. 

-Sister Richins

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