Monday, April 15, 2013


Dear Family and Friends

It's so great to hear from you all! I hope you guys all enjoyed conference, it was so good, right! I can't believe another week has gone by, and we get travel plans on Thursday, it's exciting but also really scary. As I was in the temple this morning, I realized that that was the 2nd to last time that I will get to go for 18 months. I am going to miss it.   One of the sisters that left two weeks ago to the Philippines emailed us and said she has no idea what anyone is saying. (She can now email us because they made an announcement a few weeks ago that you can now email friends!) She says she loves it there, and that it is super pretty there.

Anyways though we did get to watch all of conference.  It was really great we didn't have class on those days and we just watched conference ate food, and watched conference so more. It was different not having soft couches to sit on.  We spent 13 hours all weekend siting in hard chairs! Not the best, but conference was still good.  In answer to your question mom, during priesthood all the sisters watched the YW general broadcast from last week. It sounds like though you had a great girls night, those I always so much fun. That's cool that Kevin and Dad got to go to priesthood.  I heard that it was all addressed to the YM on Missionary work.  Before you know it Kevin will be here!! On Sunday they even let a watch the special in between conferences, they didn't show the choir until the very end so I understand why you didn't see me, I didn't even see myself.  Also on Sunday we usually have a Sunday Night devotional, but I think they knew we were all tired of sitting all day listening to speakers, so they had BYUs vocal point (the Acapella group) come and sing to use.  That was really cool.

Class has been going pretty well, after Easter all about the atonement and Christ I feel like I kind of see the big picture of the church and how everything we teach is about the savior and his atonement.  I mean after all this is the church of Jesus Christ.  Anyway though, this has helped me a lot in lessons to make sure I always bring it back to Jesus Christ because that is when the spirit testifies. 

Yesterday, the MTC president from the Philippines MTC came to the MTC to observe teaching.  Of all the classes, ours was picked for him to sit in and observe.  That is a pretty cool experience. his name is Raul Ven...? and was made an area seventy in conference.  The attached picture is my district with him! Looks like I will be taller than all the Philippino people... And you thought I didn't eat my veggies!!  In two months they are going to start to send the english speaking missionaries going to the Manilla, Angeles, Quezon City and Quezon City North missions to the Philippines MTC!

This weekend was kind of re-commitment for me to make sure that I am not wasting a second of my time at the MTC! I need to work super hard for the next 2 weeks, because in 2 weeks I will be in the Philippines! Crazy. 

This week we are getting two new districts in our zone this week.  One has 6 sisters and 2 elders and the other 7 sisters and 2 elders! My how the times have changed.. so many sisters!

Sister Richins

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