Sunday, April 21, 2013

Last Week at the MTC!!!

Family and Friends-

Its so weird I can't believe that that it is my last week in the MTC, the time just flys by. Well to start off this week has been a little rough, but still good. We now have 60min of email so that is good!!

Our Sunday Devotional the Director of Media from the Missionary Department came and talked to us a little about the Church's I am a mormon campaign.  He talked about the big I am a Mormon campaign in New York at Christmas time and the success stories that it had.  He talked about the increase of visits to the site during the campaign.  The church recently as in April 8 launced another campaign in London where the Book of Mormon Musical is playing.   According to studies done in Europe the church doesn't have the most postive views so to fix it they have put up all these I am a mormon campaign ads on Busses and train stations.  In one train station the tunnel is completely covered.  It is crazy, he showed us pictures.  He also talked about he they first launched it he was there and would just walk around and observe people reading the messages.  It was amazing the response and the fact that we was able to refer so many people to the Missionaries that day! This just affirms how true our church is and that it has the ability to touch everyone's heart. I don't know if there is pictures on the internet, but you should look for them.  The ones in London and New York.   The one in New York was a really simple message that Christmas is Christ.

Well lets see the highlight of the week was defiently getting our travel plans, but also it makes us a little nervous because there is still so much to learn. It is exciting though, until our teacher last night told us about all the cockroaches that are there.  I was a little freaked out, but I know that I don't need to have fear only faith. The lord trusts me and knows that I can handle it or he wouldn't have called me there.  We really only have three more days of classes because Thursday is our In field orientation all day.  It should be exciting though.  I saw Russel (my cousin) here last week during lunch one day, I was doing to get a picture, but didn't have me camera.  He seemed to be doing great and eager to leave for Arizona.

On Sunday I the branch president called on me to give a talk, so that was fun, but I know it was going to someone in our district because we are the oldest ones right now.

-Sister Richins  

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