Monday, April 1, 2013

Week Dalawa

Family and Friends,
Well here we are again another week, I cannot believe that it has already been another week! Luckliy I have finally been able to sleep at night. This week has been great as I have adjusted to Mission Life.  It is sometimes crazy, but so worth it.  So the first person we taught was our teacher, but she played an investigator. It was pretty hard because we wanted to say things, but we didn't know how to say anything in Tagalog.  The only thing we could do is to read senetances we have pulled out of Preach My Gospel and our missionary Language book. This week though we have started verb conjugations and starting to form our own sentences.  It is pretty hard to get the hang of, but it is coming slowly, but surely.  They ask us to Speak our Language in everything at the MTC so that we can practice, and learn new words everyday.
Our teachers tell us that the United States Millarty and other countries are really fascinated by the MTC and the quality of language of the speakers of the missionarys the Millitary has tried to figure out how the church does it and have come and toured the MTC, but its hard to tell them that it's the sprit makes it possilbe for us to learn.
Now that we now have two more 'progressing investigators' who are our teachers playing a role (usually they play someone from their mission). It's getting better and it is so nice that we are able to start to understand context of what they are saying.  At first my companion and I were not on the same page, but since we have been able to work really well together.  It has been an experience working with her, when she first came she didn't really think that the she had recieved any personal revelation, but I have been trying to point out times in the MTC when the spirit has worked through her.  I think she has definently been able to recognize the spirit more as we learn to teach my the spirit. There is a reason why we were put together as companions.
On Sunday we watched a film of a past devotional at the MTC by Elder Bendar.  It was so inspiring, he talked about the Character of Christ.  They explained that sometimes we are like the cookie monster saying 'I want cookie now' this he called is the 'natural man'.  The natural man is only concerned about theirself and getting what they want. As you study the life of Christ, however, you realize that when the natural man would turn inward, Christ turned outward.  Even on the cross, Christ was concerned about the welfare of others.  Never once did he stop and think about himself.  Ahh I don't know if I do this devotional justice, but it was just so inspiring for me to look at myself and find ways for me to turn outward to serve others rather than turning inward.
Yesterday two of the districts in our Zone left for the Philippines, it's so crazy! I am so excited for them they are great, and I have grown to love them so much.  Our branch now is pretty small, but tomorrow we get one district with 6 sisters and 4 elders! All the teachers are really excited as in more and more districts the sisters out number the Elders.  The MTC is so busy and bursting at the seems, but the work is moving foward.  It is so great that to see so many missionaries.
I met a sister yesterday Sister Hardoff who is going to Naga she is a convert of only one year.  She got baptized November 2011, got her mission call November 2012 and is now here one a mission.  It was so inspiring to here her story! Her parents are not members, and her dad is a athiest.  No one in her family is a member, and they don't support her going on a mission, but she made a way for it to work.  Just a year and a half ago she was searching for God in her life, her parents didn't teach her about God, so she decided to find out for herself.  She started going to all sorts of churches and one day asked her LDS friend if she could go to church with her.  Her friend was so excited and now look where she is now!!! Wow, she is so amazing!
-Sister Richins

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