Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 12

Dearest Family and Friends,

I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to email today because there was a typhoon that was suppose to be here today, but it looks like it changed directions. So I am happy about that. 

This week was really great.  We had a great zone conference about effective planning and we were able to apply everything to make our planning sessions more effective. The Legazpi Stake is working with the area presidency to become a model stake for the Philippines in regard to missionary work.  So the leaders are continuing to get excited about missionary work.   We had a member of the bishopbric work with us yesterday and it was wonderful to have his support because he was able to identify people that could up us for each investigator.

Yesterday we visited this one part member/less active family.  Brother Owel's records are not here because he moved here about a year ago.  We found him because he approached the other sisters in Guinobaton and told them that he was a member.  We set up an appointment with him to visit his family.  It was great because yesterday we had the bishopbric working with us and they were able to fellowship him.  Also his 10 year old daughter is not a member. So we are now able to teach her.  

Yesterday we were also finally able to teach Raquel, who we have been trying and trying to set up an appointment with, but she keeps on canceling.  She was a former investigator. After we taught about the restoration she said she wanted to learn more.  She says that she always feels so good when we teach her.  Hopefully we will continue to find time to meet with us.  We also found out the Book of Mormon she had she let her neighbor borrow last week because she was interested.  So we went to that house and set up a return appointment too! 

We are also able to teach Patrick again (the former investigator that we met last week).  He is doing great, but is just shy to us because we are sisters.  He said that we went to the church house last week to come to church, but was scared to enter because he didn't know anyone there.  That was so sad to hear.  So hopefully we can get some brothers to work with us week to help fellowship him and come with him to church next week. 

Yesterday I was talking to my companion about the school system here and it really made me appreciate what we have in America.  They school system here is based off the catholic religion and school starts and ends with a memorized prayer. They also are required to attend Mass once a week or they have to pay a penalty fine.  My companion said how hard it was to be a Mormon in school.  It just made me really appreciate the freedom of religion that we have in America. 

Everyone here is getting excited for the Christmas Season! I know, dad, that is hard to believe, but Christmas season starts here in September, so it is pretty close.  I am excited to see how they celebrate Christmas here!

Well hope everything continues to go well- enjoy the last bit of summer..
-Sister Richins

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