Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013 " Miracles happen in the Morning"

Dearest Family and Friends,

Wow another week has gone by. We had exchanges this week with the Sister Training Leader.  The Sister Training Leader is a new position that they implemented in all the missions and they go on exchanges every transfer. I went on splits with Sister Feinga from Tonga. It was really great and I learned a lot from her.  It was nice to have an experienced missionary give me some help on what I can do to improve.  On thing that is always a struggle here is morning work.  Everyone is always really busy in the Morning and we never have appointments in the morning. And it is usually really discouraging, but of course we are preach my gospel missionaries and go out in the morning.  Sister Fienga reminded me that "Miracles happen in the morning."  As we strive to be exactly obedient the Lord blesses us. 

On Tuesday morning we went to try to find a former investigator named Patrick.  We were walking and then a guy asked us who we were looking for.  I replied "Patrick Romunlo" and he said "that's me."  We were able to teach him a lesson and he said the reason he stopped investigating the church 3 years ago was because he went to Manila to work.  It was so great.  Next we went to a member's to confirm plans for them to work with us and Sheena was there.  We taught a lesson to the family, but were really hesitant with Sheena, but after we were about to leave Sheena asked us when we could come back and teach her! I was so excited... and she came to church this week.

We had zone training week and they talked about the mission wide problem of investigators attending sacrament meeting.  We talked about using the members to bring investigators to church and making sure they have someone to sit next to.  It was really good and gave us some ideas to more effectively invite people to come to church. 

-Sister Richins

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