Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Dear family and friends,

Well is is the end of the transfers and it is time for transfers.  On Saturday we got the message that I will be transferring.  It is sad because I have really grown to love the people here.  But it is also exciting to start in a new area.  I don't know where yet, I will find out tomorrow morning. 

It is kind of sad because I will miss Jared's Baptism next week.  Jared is a Part Member Family.  He is 9 years old.  It is sometimes a challenge to teach him, because his mom always likes to ask a lot of deep doctrine questions about the Plan of Salvation or other kinds, but it is good.  For me it is so rewarding to teach people to pray here.  Because in school they are taught to pray as a recitation. It is so exciting for people to know that they can speak the feelings of their hear to God.  Every one is a little shy at first, but once they do it the first time it is easy. 

The other family that will be hard to leave is the Lobrin Family.  They are someone that we found while brother was washing clothes.  Brother Lobrin is someone that has to study out everything, but he says he has enjoyed reading The Book of Mormon and hopefully he will be able to come to church.  I know that Sister Pareja and her new companion will be able to help them.

In the phlippines investigators have to come to church 4 weeks in a row before they can be baptized because the philippines needs converts that understand the importance of church attendance are are willing to make sacrifices.

 I know that this area is in good hands and that the people that I have come to love and serve will continue to progress.  I may not be able to see the fruits of my work here, but I hope that I have made a difference and the ward has been strengthened and all the people that we have taught.

Well wish me luck tomorrow. Change always brings growth!

-Sister Richins

PS Happy Beginning of Christmas Season on September 1!

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